

Despite the many advances in dentistry, an ongoing problem as we age remains that of tooth loss. Roughly a quarter of all North American adults between the ages of 65 and 75 have lost all of their teeth. There are a number of options available when you lose your teeth. The most affordable and one of the most versatile is a set of removable dentures.

The loss of teeth does not mean that you can’t continue to lead a healthy and happy life with a beautiful smile.

Dentures are made to look as natural as possible. They can also be applied with implants. These are installed in the mouth so that dentures have something to hold onto.

The loss of teeth does not mean that you can’t continue to lead a healthy and happy life with a beautiful smile. Even if you can’t afford the most expensive treatment options like dental implants, removable dentures will give you the smile that you want at a reasonable budget. Give us a call to discuss the options to improve your smile.

Full dentures

Full dentures consist of a full set of both the upper and lower teeth. This type of denture uses suction to stay in place. They’re made of pliable material that makes suction easy. However this also requires routine visits to the dentist because the bone structure supporting your dentures shrinks over time. This causes dentures to loosen and the suction holding them in place no longer effective.

Partial dentures

Partial dentures replace a limited number of teeth rather than the full set. These are created as a single piece fitting supported by the remaining teeth and gums. They can be more secure than standard full dentures, especially for lower teeth, and may be more comfortable.

Immediate dentures

Immediate dentures enable patients requesting dentures to leave the office the same day with extraction work complete and their new dentures already in place. This means you don’t have to worry about a length of time where you’re waiting for dentures to be manufactured and trying to hide your smile. Ask us for more information.